Label: Story 5
Romans 9: 19 - 26
"Is to declare the glory of his riches on items pity him who has prepared for His glory." (paragraph 23)
Time I was a child - a child in P. Samosir near the village I have to make a pot from clay (tano hudon). Wind pot (sitopa hudon) can make a big pot or small, a little thick or thin, or the prime quality or are in accordance with the will of carpenters pot. Clay can not request that he made a big pot and a good, or other forms of so completely surrendered to the craftsman's creativity pot.
Nats us in this day, it was discussed by Paul, so: Because no one can oppose the will of God Almighty, the sin is not a voluntary act, if such a sin can not disalahkan. Paul said, that reason is not worthy. Being creation can not blame the Creator. Whoever that man can disprove God? Things have been made at all can not litigate with the establishment of God.
Pot is the right craftsman to create the same blob of a thing to be used for a noble goal and an object to be used for another purpose which is, one thing that becomes a high art objects, other objects into furniture tanggga normal (BND 2 Thimoty 2 : 20). 'What now you said'. If God's will on the one hand shows the wrath - and his claim of power - his, it is the will - and he tuned his has time to looks . If on the other hand, God have mercy to serve notice - in his election - for his safety, it also is in the will - he is free.
A beloved brother. God as creator of the universe, including all human beings no exception. There is no reason for any human being as a creation, not to obey the creator. Man is saved because of God's merciful grace of God.
Prayer: Creator God of Hosts, we to guide with the power of the Holy Spirit of Jesus, so that people will recognize its position as being the creation. Amen
Label: Spculation 4
A sunny day is wonderful. Land - the land dry. But with a little water can be a mud to play - play. My brother, a little older I unfold from the hand brush. This handkerchief over it sits with the collapse his knee, prop chin, and his eyes scan the ground stickies. I sat down with the same style as always. I do not like to sit so still, but I think my brother also do not like that. Lae (a cousin to men of the Batak) we sit up. He always do all that was to him. Almost always the case. Land is inviting us to play. Mud that can be made interesting! I can even feel, fresh and soft, muck my fingers. I almost give up, but the money promised to us if you do not play the mud, pulling with the same mud that. I can only play a little mud and do not keep up my trousers gross! Net more than their shorts. But that's not possible. If you want to get the money, it is better to forget it is a game mud. Arrived - arrived my brother jump down and enter the home run. I follow it, and follow my cousin. We drag through the kitchen, and into our bedroom. There my brother take new trousers purchased my mother to go to church next week coincides Christmas. "The father, if we replace the pants, that his name not fair," I protested. "We have to wear pants that hold up to dinner later." I use to wait," answered my brother with full two victories while wearing shorts as well. "I just simply use a protector."
When my brother finally ran down, I can not do the same. Pants used that this is one that my mind. Lae of my mind also does not take long trousers when visiting our house, new pants in the living in his house, Medan, far from snug up (about a 3 hour drive) from where we live. But he also received jinx. We return to the old walls and watch the play my brother mud. Our favorite game. But that's not at all brisk. I also have to play! But I also must get the money promised by lae of my mind. Arrived - arrived through a brilliant idea in my head. Just a little, but I handful it disappeared before. I ran back home, back lae of my mind follow. I enter rooms, open, shorts, and wear to backing it again. When I ran down to join the my brother, lae of my mind scream, "Not that fair. Father does not love you so. "But I have dreamed about soil, sludge and cake - cakes of mud. My brother and I play long enough. Make cake - cake mud. Make the ball - the ball and threw it. Happy to taste. Lae while we sat in the wall with a view want to participate.
Finally, the shadow of our short, premonition noon and lunch time. Then I so aware, there will be no money for me. My trousers of mud, and appear disheveled.
my brother may be money, that I felt while running. Goodbye to her but when I change that I felt it. Pants who was white, change the color blue as blue - jean has used earlier as a protector. Pants also tangly with the same my trousers. Slow - slow we go to the dining room; lae of my mind step entrance with victory. He directly and ask the Father the promised money. With the word - the word praise, Mr. remove money from the wallet and gave lae of ours. Then he look to us, smiled and gave a full apology to us money as well.
Efendi Tambunan
Label: Story 4
Label: Story 3
Label: Story 2

Label: Story 1
Ezra 6:2 Then in Ahmeta, a stronghold in the province of Media, a coil is found, its contents are as follows: "Charter:
Esther 1:3 in the third year in government, diadakanlah by sire for all official receptions and servants; of Persia and Media, nobility and VIP area in front of my present.
Esther 1:14 But that is nearest to Mightiness Karsena, Setar, Admata, Tarsis, Meres, Marsena and Memukan, seventh official Persia and Media, which may make the face of the king and have a high position in the kingdom-in, ask the king:
Esther 1:18 On this day also the wife of the king in the Persian brass and the media heard about the behavior of the queen will speak about it to her husband, so that long-larutlah contempt and rage.
Esther 1:19 If the good of the king, let a decree issued from the front of the kingdom and in the written law in Persia and Media, so they could not pull it back, that Wasti prohibited Ahasyweros to the king, and that the king will grant position as queen to the other people who better than him.
Esther 10:2 All the great deeds and valiant, and a careful telling of greatness to which the king Mordekhai, not everything is written in the history book of the kings Media and Persia?
Jeremiah 51:11 Lancipkanlah children's arrows, siapkanlah shield-shield! LORD has raised the spirit of the kings Media, because His plan is against Babylon to destroy it: that is the vengeance of the LORD, vengeance for His holy temple!
Jeremiah 51:28 Persiapkanlah nations fight melawannya, the kings and the Media-regent and regent pembesarnya Council, and each country under the power! Daniel 5:28 Peres: kingdom lord parsed and given to the Media and Persia."
Daniel 6-1 Darius, the Media, the government receives when he was sixty-two years.
Daniel 6-9 Therefore, O king, out of the restrictions and make a warrant which can not be changed, according to the law Media and Persia, which can not be pulled back. "
Daniel 6-13 Then they to the king and ask him about the prohibition of the king: "The master issued a prohibition order, so that every person in thirty days to appeal his one god or man except to you, O king, will be cast into the lions den?" Answered the king: "The was definitely the right person Media and Persia, which can not be pulled back."
Daniel 6-16 And make it snappy the people to the king and said to him: "Behold, O king, that the statutory Media and the Persian does not have restrictions or determination issued by the king that can be changed!"
Daniel 8:20 Rams that kaulihat that, with the second tanduknya, is kings and the Media Persia.
Daniel 9:1 In the first year of Darius, Ahasyweros children, the descendants of people from the media, which has become the king over the kingdom of Chaldea,
Daniel 11:1 I also like first mendampinginya to strengthen and menyokongnya, ie, in the first year of Darius, that the Media. "
Acts 2:9 Partia our people, Media, Elam, Mesopotamia population, Yudea and Kapadokia, Pontus and Asia,
Label: The Scripture 1
Basically, people do not will satisfied that all available in the world. But Love always Jesus because He is the Living Bread
Label: AdWords
Repentance TOTAL change PUNITIVE GOD Natural events and natural disasters continue to connect for 2-year raise many more questions, and why natural disasters that occur in Indonesia? What natural phenomenon that only happens in India? Indeed, events like this are commonplace. The only question becomes, what is the frequency as in Indonesia? Frequency of occurrence, Indonesia appears to be a central and natural disasters in the entire earth (?). To convince the reader, let's gather together the data / information to each of us. Tektonik movement (earthquake) often occur in Indonesia because Indonesia is located in the cross fracture Indo-Australian plates, which usually followed such as the tsunami in Aceh and Pangandaran. Floods and landslides, it is probably human error, namely deforestation, reduced resapan area, the narrow river, filled with garbage and mud. Medium waterspout, heavy rain and long dry season, probably because of heating due to the earth. The earth is warming due to human ulah who does not care about the environment. Accidents in the land (train, car), marine (sea) and air (aircraft) is largely a result of the negligence of man (human error). And the question arises, whether natural disasters and the development is solely due to natural phenomena and human negligence? For the people who pro-God, we believe that God is above all that. Because God said, even one hair falls from the top of your head, know God, especially with this disaster swallow hundreds of thousands of human lives and property of the jumbo.
Label: Speculation 2

Peace! I Efendi Tambunan regular call in Pendi.Dilahirkan Build, P. Siantar (North Sumatra) Indonesia to children from 4 J. Tambunan and O. Napitupuluh of 5 brothers, 21 August 1981, living in the Christian Protestant Church of Indonesia Serapuh-up. A year later after completing education SMKN P. 2 Siantar, to study in Singapore Polytechnic LP3M Excellence from 2001 until 2003. After obtaining a degree Amd (Ahlimadya) Management Information to work in PT. Gemilang Nikomas Tambak, Serang - Banten during ± 2 years. After a year and up to now working in the Universal Foundation for Sola Gratia (YSGU) Jakarta, one of the foundations of social and penginjilan. This field of work related to the period of time period in SMK (years 1998 - 2000) served with friends in the PP (young people) GKPI Serapuh-up in the field of social and penginjilan. When we serve a family member PP GKPI, the mother of our friend pain kidney. We are concerned to see the mother Saut ordinary people menyapanya, arise our intention to lebuh spirit menghiburnya with the praise and worship songs. At that time, I was suddenly in the push by the power of God for my finger picking guitar strap that is not so terrific voice with a husky husky basa-touch makes for a beautiful mother's heart. This is because I know the heart and mind focused on penderitaannya. Meet me in the heart of the Holy Spirit change the heart of a mother not to know Christ in a moment crying listening to chanson "More From Everything." Little time to recover from the pain after a few days later. Change in heart has seen his mother who is rarely used to the church are now zealously to the church, which is used to insulate themselves from the church community, praised the Lord. I realize that in addition to the lack of us, if we truly submit them to the power of Christ we will be in ubahnya a blessing for others. Provided that we give all our soul and sport entirely to Jesus Christ. Services will be very useful for other people around us that we need more especially the suffering, oppression and lack. Basically because people do not have the perfect home, we can complement each other to give life is based on the love of Jesus Christ. Can conclude that what motivates us to serve in the vicinity of many of us that indeed we need as long as we have the desire to serve. Amen.
My E-mail : efenditam@yahoo.co.id
My Blog : http://efendimedia.blogspot.com/
Label: My Profile
May be among us who do feel that at any time who is always faithful to answer every complaint moan that we experienced in this life. Problems always have around us, we do not even find friends who really understand us, and we also fear whether it can be a friend of a friend that we expect. Our association is a mistake because we are one of a select friends, and friends that we choose friends who are menasehati us (and again in the fall) with a dogma or a view of the confidence that much different. Even though sometimes it is an exit, but it was not the right way out from the point of view of our faith. For my blog that is not perfect this will try to share something that reinforce, strengthen, encourage, menasehati, refer to reprimand any of our problems. He is the readiness of the soul for us. Words of this is that we will lead us in the issue. The problem is whether we would consider him as a friend of us, whether we believe with the word ..? if .. then he made him as friends.
Label: My Vission
Vision in life Elegant in appearance Diligent in every opportunity Dedication that can be tested for high Science is the main grain Organization of the Church I utamakan Obedient to the Lord The faith that makes me grow Mama, papa, and my brother is Otang those that I love Without them I do mean Mercy of Jesus ... I give unto berkamu A later time This is the tekatku They will see me grow into The kind for children and families greja God's plan for me is beautiful Making what I want to achieve Angan not dream .. But a kenyaan I will change and the struggle Efendi Tambunan Objective in the act Nyanyi is filling a vacuum Simple and casual Always cheerful and full understanding Optimistic in each goal Word of God become standard of living Faith is the main capital I will continue to fight for .. Reveal God's power in the service Wherever I was I would be The best Friends is the most I care about to share the love and grief Perhaps the only love that I have to Family seeks to maintain I will pray for friends and family God sure bersertaku I believe very Because I belong to NYA Whatever we do for God is to do its.
Label: My Mission