Peace! I Efendi Tambunan regular call in Pendi.Dilahirkan Build, P. Siantar (North Sumatra) Indonesia to children from 4 J. Tambunan and O. Napitupuluh of 5 brothers, 21 August 1981, living in the Christian Protestant Church of Indonesia Serapuh-up. A year later after completing education SMKN P. 2 Siantar, to study in Singapore Polytechnic LP3M Excellence from 2001 until 2003. After obtaining a degree Amd (Ahlimadya) Management Information to work in PT. Gemilang Nikomas Tambak, Serang - Banten during ± 2 years. After a year and up to now working in the Universal Foundation for Sola Gratia (YSGU) Jakarta, one of the foundations of social and penginjilan. This field of work related to the period of time period in SMK (years 1998 - 2000) served with friends in the PP (young people) GKPI Serapuh-up in the field of social and penginjilan. When we serve a family member PP GKPI, the mother of our friend pain kidney. We are concerned to see the mother Saut ordinary people menyapanya, arise our intention to lebuh spirit menghiburnya with the praise and worship songs. At that time, I was suddenly in the push by the power of God for my finger picking guitar strap that is not so terrific voice with a husky husky basa-touch makes for a beautiful mother's heart. This is because I know the heart and mind focused on penderitaannya. Meet me in the heart of the Holy Spirit change the heart of a mother not to know Christ in a moment crying listening to chanson "More From Everything." Little time to recover from the pain after a few days later. Change in heart has seen his mother who is rarely used to the church are now zealously to the church, which is used to insulate themselves from the church community, praised the Lord. I realize that in addition to the lack of us, if we truly submit them to the power of Christ we will be in ubahnya a blessing for others. Provided that we give all our soul and sport entirely to Jesus Christ. Services will be very useful for other people around us that we need more especially the suffering, oppression and lack. Basically because people do not have the perfect home, we can complement each other to give life is based on the love of Jesus Christ. Can conclude that what motivates us to serve in the vicinity of many of us that indeed we need as long as we have the desire to serve. Amen.
My E-mail : efenditam@yahoo.co.id
My Blog : http://efendimedia.blogspot.com/
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